What’s Happening at DCS 2024/2025
- September 3 - First day of classes for students. Welcome assemblies were held for the different teams within the school. Our free Breakfast Program also started. Every morning, as the students enter the school, tables are set up with a healthy, nutritious snack.
- Volleyball season started with 5 teams ( JR A Girls, JR B Girls, JR Boys, Junior Varsity Girls, SH Girls, SH Boys). The teams participated in many games and tournaments throughout the season. Two Cross Country Running Clubs also began training at lunch. DCS also had a High School Golf Team.
- September 5 – Back to School BBQ was held from 4:00-6:00 pm. Staff served hot dogs, chips and a drink to students and their parents. Classrooms were open for parents to view and PAC dessert.
- September 9 - School canteen opened offering a variety of snacks/lunch items during the lunch period.
- September 11 – Our Hot Dog Wednesdays began for the year. Students could pre-order hot dogs online for $1.50 each. Our SH Golf Team participated in the CEAA Golf Tournament in Bowden.
- September 13 - Hot Lunch Program started with Boston Pizza. Students and staff participated in the Terry Fox Walk in the afternoon around the village. They were treated to freezies when they returned to school. Parents were also welcomed to join the walk.
- September 16 - Golf Team headed to CASAA Tournament in Camrose.
- September 17 – First PAC (Parent Advisory Council) meeting of the school year was held in the library.
- September 18 - Trades 1 and 2 Courses started at Olds College for our HS students.
- September 19 - Motivational Speaker Chris Koch came to the school to speak to students.
- September 20 - PD Day (no school for students).
- September 23 – School pictures day was held in the library.
- September 24 - HS students had a field trip to the Calgary Zoo.
- September 27 – KFC for Hot Lunch. Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students were asked to wear an orange shirt to school. Orange Shirt Day provides the opportunity to discuss all aspects of residential schools and to help continue the work of reconciliation. ELAA post secondary event took place in the afternoon in the large gym. Representatives from universities/colleges set up booths for students to visit and ask questions. High School Night of Celebrations was held at 7:00 pm in the small gym. Awards and scholarships were handed out to students for the 2023-2024 school year.
- September 30 - National Day of Truth and Recognition (no school).
- School fundraiser month. Community could order wrapping paper, gift items, chocolates and popcorn!
- October 3 – The Elementary Cross Country Running team headed to Innisfail Centennial Park for a CEAA Fun Run.
- October 4 - KFC Hot Lunch. HS students had a field trip to Olds College Open House. SH Girls Volleyball hosted a tournament at school.
- October 7 – Monthly K-12 Assembly was held, including a program Step in the Right Direction, recognizing students who show dedication, citizenship and service actions at school. These students receive a pair of cool socks! Also, a school spirit challenge occurs. Bus Evacuation practices were held as buses arrived to school.
- October 10 - Turkey Trot was held with 3 categories plus a staff run. Winners got a frozen turkey!
- October 11, 14 - Thanksgiving Break (no school).
- October 18 – McDonald’s Hot Lunch. Junior A Girls Volleyball hosted a tournament at the school.
- October 21 - Brett Gardiner presentation on Mental health and Wellness (grades 9-12).
- October 23 – Parent Council Meeting (PAC) was held in the Library at 6:00pm. This was the Annual General Meeting where a new executive council was elected. PAC Fall Veggie Fundraiser began.
- October 25 - PD Day (no school for students).
- October 28 - School picture retake day.
- October 29 - Donut Day at the canteen.
- October 30 - Kindergarten Halloween day.
- October 31 – Halloween was celebrated at DCS. Pre-ordered Ghoul Candy Grams were handed out to the students by Leadership Team. Elementary students had a costume parade throughout the school and some classes had pot luck lunches in the classrooms. Leadership Team sponsored a costume contest in the small gym for grades 4-12. Middle School held a dance off between classes.
- November 1 - Subway Hot Lunch.
- November 2 - K-12 Monthly Assembly.
- November 4-7 – Scholastic Book Fair was held in the library and was also open late on P/T Interview nights.
- November 6 – Remembrance Day Assembly in the large gym at 11:00am. Bagpiper led in Legion members, RCMP and cadets.
- November 6 & 7 - Parent Teacher Interviews were held after school by phone or in person. Grade 6 class had a Bake Sale to raise money for Grade 6 Camp.
- November 8 & 11 - Fall Break
- November 12 - MADD Presentation for our grade 7-12 students.
- November 14 – PAC Meeting was at 3:30pm in the Library.
- November 15 – Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- November 18 - Farm Safety Presentation for grades K-6. Brett Gardiner presentation (grades 9-12).
- November 18-22 - Grades 3 & 5 swimming lessons in Three Hills.
- November 19 - Donut Day.
- November 20 & 21 - Basketball Reffing Clinic for students who want to ref and make a little extra money during the winter.
- November 22 - Constable Hunter presentation to grades 4-8 on Safe and Respectful Behaviour and Conduct.
- November 22 - KFC Hot Lunch.
- November 25 & 26 - Grad Photos. Basketball season began with tryouts (4 teams were formed).
- November 25 - 28 - Staff Secret Spirit Week (each day staff would participate in wearing all the same themed clothing for that day…Monday all black, Wednesday all plaid, Thursday pyjamas. Tuesday was “Anything But a Cup” to hold our coffee or water. Interesting to see how long before a student would notice this event (end of second day).
- November 28 - PAC Veggie Fundraiser arrived with pick-up at the school between 3-6pm.
- November 29 - PD Day (no school for students).
December 2024
- December 3 - K-12 Monthly Assembly.
- December 4 - Grades 8-12 enjoyed a performance of A Christmas Carol in Edmonton.
- December 6 - Dairy Queen Hot Lunch.
- December 9 - EQUS sponsored free lunch for all students and staff.
- December 11 - K-6 Christmas Concert. Dress Rehearsal 11:00am, Evening Concert 7:00pm. Grade 6 class and PAC held a Silent Auction. Proceeds split between grade 6 camp and PAC.
- December 12 - International Food Fair. Grade 9 students prepared food from around the world. Grades 7-12 could purchase samples for $2.00 each.
- December 13 - Non Instructional Day (no school).
- December 16 - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day., Brett Gardiner Presentation.
- December 17 - Winter Wonderland Day (wear blue and white), Christmas Treasure Sale for students. Community donated new or nearly new items for students to purchase for $1.00 or $2.00. Gifts were wrapped after purchase, ready to take home and put under the Christmas tree!
- December 18 - Channel Your Flannel (wear plaid).
- December 19 - Crazy Christmas Hat Day.
- December 20 - Merry Morning (wear Pyjamas to school). McDonalds Hot Lunch.
- December 21 - January 5 - Christmas Break.
January 2025
- January 6 - First day back to school after break. Kindergarten registration for Fall 2025 opened.
- January 9 - PAC Meeting at 3:30pm in the school library.
- January 10 - Subway Hot Lunch.
- January 14 - 27 - Exams for students.
- January 16 - Delburne Gospel Church hosted breakfast for staff and students.
- January 17 - Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- January 22 - Last day of regular classes for grades 9-12.
- January 24 - KFC Hot Lunch.
- January 29 - Report Cards went home.
- January 30 - PD Day (no school for students).
- January 31 - Semester Break (no school)
What’s Happening at DCS 2023/2024
- September 5 - First day of classes for students. Welcome assemblies were held for the different teams within the school. Our free Breakfast Program also started. Every morning, as the students enter the school, tables are set up with a healthy, nutritious snack.
- Volleyball season started in September with 7 teams (Gr. 5/6 girls, Gr.5/6 boys, JR A Girls, JR B Girls, JR Boys, SH Girls, SH Boys). The teams participated in many games and tournaments throughout the season. Two Cross Country Running Clubs also began training at lunch. DCS also had a High School Golf Team.
- September 7 – Back to School BBQ was held from 4:00-6:30 pm. Staff served hot dogs, chips and a drink to students and their parents. Classrooms were open for parents to view and PAC dessert and face painting.
- September 8 - SH Golf Team headed to Wainwright for a tournament.
- September 11 - School canteen opened offering a variety of snacks/lunch items during the lunch period.
- September 12 – First PAC (Parent Advisory Council) meeting of the school year was held in the library. They organized our first fundraiser of the year, fresh, organic vegetables from Eagle Creek Farms, Bowden.
- September 15 – Staff and students participated in a Terry Fox Walk around the village ending up back at school for freezies! Participants were asked to donate a toonie which was forwarded to the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research. Parents were also welcomed to join the walk.
- September 18 – DCS Golf Team participated in the High School Zones Golf Tournament in Camrose.
- September 20 – Our Hot Dog Wednesdays began for the year. Students could pre-order hot dogs online for $1.50 each.
- September 22 - PD Day (no school for students)
- September 25 – School pictures day was held in the library.
- September 28 - Dual Credit TEC1000 course began at Olds College for our participating High School students. Students will receive both high school and college credits in this program.
- September 29 – Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students were asked to wear an orange shirt to school. Orange Shirt Day provides the opportunity to discuss all aspects of residential schools and to help continue the work of reconciliation. High School Night of Celebrations was held at 7:00 pm in the small gym. Awards and scholarships were handed out to students for the 2022-2023 school year.
Hot Lunch program started with Boston Pizza/Pasta.
- School fundraiser month. Community could order wrapping paper, gift items, chocolates and popcorn!
- October 2 – Monthly K-12 Assembly was held, including a program Step in the Right Direction, recognizing students who show dedication, citizenship and service actions at school. These students receive a pair of cool socks! Also, a school spirit challenge occurs and birthdays of the month are recognized. Also, another sock related campaign began involving our Leadership students. DCS staff and students were asked to donate a pair of new socks to be handed out to shelters across Central Alberta.
- October 5 – The grade 2-6 and grade 7-8 Cross Country Running teams headed to Innisfail Centennial Park for a CENAA Fun Run.
- October 10 - K-4 students participated in a Fire Safety Awareness presentation. The local fire department came to the school with 2 fire trucks.
- October 13 – Bus Evacuation practices were held as buses arrived to school. Today's Hot Lunch was from Pita Pit.
- October 25 - Spirit Day where staff and students were asked to wear school colours.
- October 26 – Parent Council Meeting (PAC) was held in the Library at 6:30pm. This was the Annual General Meeting where a new executive council was elected.
- October 31 – Halloween was celebrated at DCS. K-4 had a costume parade throughout the school and pot luck lunches in the classrooms. During AT time High School students had a costume contest in the large gym. Middle School held activities in the library.
- November 3 - KFC Hot Lunch.
- November 6 – Scholastic Book Fair began in the library (Nov. 6-8).
- November 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly in the large gym. Bagpiper led in Legion members, RCMP and cadets. TEC 1000 Dual Credit students went to Olds College. Book Fair and Parent/Teacher Interviews were held from 3:30-7:00 pm.
- November 8 – Photo Retake Day. HS students went to Think AG Workshop & Agritrade in Red Deer.
- November 9 & 10 - Fall Break
- November 13-17 - Grades 3 & 6 swimming lessons in Three Hills. Grades 7-12 Phys Ed classes went skating for the week at Delburne Arena.
- November 17 – Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- November 18 - JH Girls Volleyball qualified and participated in the CWAJHAA Tournament in Ponoka.
- November 20 - Basketball tryouts began. Three teams were formed: Jr A Girls, Jr B Girls and Jr Boys.
- November 21 – PAC Meeting was at 3:30pm in the Library.
- November 22 - Athletic Fundraiser was held in the library. Participants made either a table top Who Christmas tree or a Christmas Gnome out of fresh greenery.
- November 25 - JH Boys Volleyball qualified and participated in the CWAJHAA Tournament in Ponoka.
- Classroom Door Decorating Contest began. Grade 7B’s door won! Deb’s Canteen had specials during the month to celebrate Christmas.
- December 1 - Pita Pocket Hot Lunch.
- December 2 – Athletic Fundraiser held a second workshop in the library. Participants made either a table top “Who” Christmas tree or a centerpiece out of fresh greenery.
- December 8 - Non Instructional Day (no school).
- December 11 - School wide assembly.
- December 13 - Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal was held at 1:00pm in the small gym.
- December 14 – The Grade K-6 Christmas Concert was held in the small gym at 7:00pm. Donations were gathered for the Delburne Food Bank. PAC also organized a very successful Silent Auction fundraiser.
- December 15 - Subway Hot Lunch.
- December 18 – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Christmas Spirit Week activities were organized by the HS Leadership students.
- December 19 – Flannel Day. A Christmas Treasures Sale was held in the small gym. Students were able to come in (class by class) to the gym and do some Christmas shopping for family and friends. Donated items were either $1 or $2. A wrapping station was set up on the stage so students could go home with wrapped gifts.
- December 20 – Winter Wonderland Day (staff & students wore blue and/or white)
- December 21 – K-4 wore red, 5-8 wore green, 9-12 wore blue and staff wore white.
- December 22 - PJ Day - staff and students were encouraged to wear their pajamas to school. KFC Hot Lunch.
- December 23-January 7 – Christmas Break.
- January 8 – Back to school after Christmas Break.
- January 10 – First Diploma exam for Semester 1 classes.
- January 11 - Yellow Day (buses didn’t run due to cold weather).
- January 12 - Red Day (school closed due to extremely cold weather).
- January 15 - Red Day (school closed due to extremely cold weather).
- January 22 - Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- January 16 – PAC meeting, 6:00pm in the Learning Commons.
- January 19 - McDonalds Hot Lunch
- January 22-26 – Grade 1 & 4’s went to Three Hills Aquatic Centre for swimming lessons.
- January 23 – Last day of Semester 1 classes for grades 9-12.
- January 24 - Grade 9 PAT Exams started.
- January 25 & 26 – Grad Photos.
- January 26 – Subway Hot Lunch.
- January 30 - Report Cards went out.
- January 31 – Semester Break (school organizational day for staff). No school for students.
- February 1 – First day of Semester 2.
- February 2 - KFC Hot Lunch.
- February 6 - K-12 monthly assembly was held at 12:40pm.
- February 8 - Knit Wit Club began at lunch for those students who wanted to learn how to knit and crochet.
- February 12 - 16 - Grades 2 & 5 had 5 days of swimming lessons at Three Hills Aquatic Centre. Dual Credit program began for High School students. They went to Olds College to learn welding.
- February 14 – Crush pop and carnations that were pre-ordered, were delivered to students.
- February 15 – PAC meeting was held at 3:30pm in the Learning Commons.
- February 16 - Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- February 19-23 – Winter Break.
- February 22 & 23 – Teachers’ Convention.
- February 26-29 – Fun Curling Bonspiel for grades 5-12 took place, with a different costume theme for each day. Final day wrapped up with a pizza party and prizes.
- February 28 – Pink Shirts Day in support of anti-bullying.
MARCH 2024
- March 4 - K-12 Monthly Assembly at 8:45am.
- March 11 – March Madness began with Anything But a Backpack Day. Students were encouraged to bring school supplies in a unique and creative way, other than a backpack. Also, Grades 7-12 went on a ski trip to Nakiska. Badminton season began with a JH and SH team.
- March 12 - Tropical Tuesday - dress in your best tropical attire. Trochu School Band came to perform for our K-8 students.
- March 13 - Western Wednesday - dress western.
- March 14 - Teacher/Student Swap - teachers dressed like students, students dressed like teachers. PAC Meeting at 3:30pm in the Learning Commons.
- March 15 - Luck of the Irish - wear as much green as possible. Subway Hot Lunch.
- March 15 & 16 - JH A Girls Basketball team headed to CWAJHAA in Rocky Mountain House.
- March 18 - FCSS and the Village of Delburne provided a FREE lunch to all students and staff.
- March 19 - SAIT/MRU Tours in Calgary for grades 11 & 12.
- March 20 - Economics in Success presentation for grade 9 students all morning.
- March 21 - Uof A Medical Students presentation and activity in the morning for High School students.
- March 22 - Grade 11 & 12 students went to RDP for a facilities tour. KFC Hot Lunch.
- March 27 & 28 – Parent/Teacher Conferences were held from 3:30-7:00pm. Meetings were held in person or by phone. Parent meeting for trip to NYC during Spring Break.
- March 28 - April 5 - Grad 2024 Online Silent Auction Fundraiser. Sixty items were available to bid on.
- March 28 -April 1 - Easter Break
APRIL 2024
- April is National Poetry Month so the Library hosted a Book Spine Poetry Contest (make up a poem using the titles on the spine of books). Winners in 5 categories won a $25.00 chapters gift card.
- April 2 – School wide monthly assembly was held at 2:00pm
- April 5 – Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- April 11 - Family School Wellness Active Parenting 6 session course started for parents of children 5-12 years old. FCSS and Village supplied a FREE lunch to all students and staff. PAC Meeting held at 3:30pm in the Library.
- April 12 - HS Leadership Group kicked off a campaign to gather pet supplies/food for the Central Alberta Humane Society. McDonald’s Hot Lunch.
- April 15 - 19 - Spring Break. HS trip to Washington D.C. and New York City. They attended the Tony Award winner Broadway production, The Outsiders.
- April 19 & 20 – SH Badminton team participated in the Wild Rose Tournament in Red Deer.
- April 22 – SH Badminton Areas Tournament in Red Deer. JH Badminton competed at a Fun Tournament in Innisfail. CASASC Presentation for grades K-12 throughout the week.
- April 23 - HS Leadership field trip to Central Alberta Humane Society and the Mustard Seed. Soapbox Parent night was held where parents helped the students build their cars.
- April 25 – Career Expo & Young Women in Trades and Technology, RDP Field Trip for grades 10-12.
- April 26– Subway Hot Lunch.
- April 27 – JH Badminton team went to the CENNA tournament in Sylvan Lake.
MAY 2024
- May 1 – Welcome to Kindergarten Evening for parents and child entering ECS in the fall.
- May 6 - Last school wide assembly of the year at 9:45am in the large gym. Bus Driver Appreciation Day.
- May 7 – World of Choice Field Trip to RDP, Red Deer for grade 10. FCSS/Village sponsored free lunch for staff and students.
- May 8 – Hats on for Mental Health day. Staff & students were encouraged to wear hats. YES program also ran a Let’s Chalk About It Campaign around the village. Students wrote/drew kind and encouraging messages on the sidewalks.
- May 9 - Skills Canada Competition Field Trip to Edmonton for grADES 10-12.
- May 16 – SH Track Meet at LTCHS, Red Deer.
- May 13 - High School Golf Tournament in Lacombe.
- May 21 - Practice Tornado Drill was held at 8:45am. Village wide clean up, including the school grounds, in the afternoon.
- May 23 – Class of 2024 Cap & Gown Ceremony was held at the school in the afternoon, ending with a cap toss!
- May 24 – Class of 2024 Grad Day. Banquet at 5:00pm at the Community Hall and Ceremony to follow at 7:30pm. Boston Pizza Hot Lunch.
- May 27 - The Climb Youth Conference at RDP, Red Deer for grade 9-12 girls.
- May 29 - SH Track & Field Zones in Red Deer.
- May 30 – Food Truck Thursday. Grade 7 students sold food from trucks they made during CTS class.
- May 31 – Soap Box Derby was held starting at 12:45 on 23 Avenue, South. McDonald’s Hot Lunch.
JUNE 2024
- June 3 - FCSS/Village sponsored free lunch for staff and students.
- June 4 - Final PAC meeting of the year was held at 3:30pm in the school library.
- June 4, 11, 18 – Open Gym after school for grade 9-11 girls wanting to practice volleyball skills to get ready for the fall. (Tryouts for the fall August 29 & 30, 2024 at 5:00pm).
- June 6 – Field Trip to Calgary Science Centre for grades 3 & 4.
- June 10 - Safe Communities sponsored a Bike Rodeo for grades K-6.
- June 11 – CENAA Track & Field meet was held for JH in Red Deer. Team brought home the banner!
- June 12 - Field Trip to Markerville for grade 2.
- June 14 - Field Trips to Calgary Zoo for grade 1, Calgary Science Centre for grade 5.
- June 17 – “An Evening of Excellence” was held in the Small Gym at 6:30pm. This is a night to recognize our Middle School (grades 5-8) achievements for the year.
- June 18 - Grade 8 class went swimming for the afternoon in Three Hills.
- June 19 – Last day of classes for grades 7-12. Exam season begins!
- June 20 – Grade 7 & 8 year end Field Trip to Callaway Park, Calgary.
- June 21 - School celebrates Indigenous Sports Heroes with a presentation at 11:00am from Kerri Einarson (Scotties Tournament of Hearts Champion and Tom Longboat Award Winner). Bannock was served at the morning Breakfast Table.
- June 25 & 26 – Grade 6 overnight camp at Lone Prairie Camp near Bashaw, Alberta.
- June 27 - Last day for students. Early dismissal at noon.
- June 28 – Organizational Day. Last day for staff.
What’s Happening at DCS 2022/2023
- September 1 - First day of classes for students. Welcome assemblies were held for the different teams within the school.
- Volleyball season started in September with 7 teams (Gr. 5/6 girls, Gr.5/6 boys, JR A Girls, JR B Girls, JR Boys, SH Girls, SH Boys). Two Cross Country Running Clubs also began training at lunch. DCS also had a High School Golf Team.
- September 7 – Our free Breakfast Program started. Every morning, as the students enter the school tables are set up with a healthy, nutritious snack.
- September 8 – The High Golf Team traveled to Riverbend Golf Course in Red Deer to use the Driving Range.
- September 13 – High School Outdoor Ed class went on a hike at Prairie View Trail, Barrier Lake, Kananaskis.
- September 15 – The DCS Alpine Club traveled to Canmore to mountain bike at the Nordic Centre. PAC (Parent Advisory Council) held their first meeting of the year in the Library at 3:30pm.
- September 19 – DCS Golf Team participated in the CASAA High School Golf Tournament in Camrose.
- September 21 – The grade 7-12 Cross Country Running team headed to Snake Hill Fun Run in Sundre. Back to School BBQ was held from 4:00-7:00pm. Staff served hot dogs, chips and a drink to students and their parents. Classrooms were open for parents to view and PAC had an information booth set up for parents as well as face painting and glitter tattoos for the children.
- September 27 – Alpine Club headed to Banff National Park for a hike to Eiffel Lake.
- September 28 – Terry Fox Walk was held today, with staff and students participating in a walk around the village. Ice cream sundaes and freezies were served after the event.
- September 29 – Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students were asked to wear an orange shirt to school. Orange Shirt Day provides the opportunity to discuss all aspects of residential schools and to help continue the work of reconciliation. High School Night of Celebrations was held at 7:00pm in the small gym. Awards and scholarships were handed out to students for the 2021-2022 school year.
- September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. All Chinook’s Edge schools were closed in honour of this day.
- Hot Lunch (Fridays) and Hot Dog Days (every Wednesday) started up this month.
- School fundraiser month. Community could order wrapping paper, gift items, chocolates and popcorn!
- October 3 – School Picture Day.
- October 5 – Monthly Assembly was held in the Large Gym honouring birthdays of the month and any special student achievements as well as Spirit Challenges.
- October 7 – Bus Evacuation practices were held as buses arrived to school. Subway Hot Lunch.
- October 13 – Parent Council Meeting (PAC) was held in the Library at 6:00pm. This was the AGM where a new executive council was elected.
- October 14 – Grades 6-12 students who registered, attended the youth day at the 2nd Annual international Pow Wow at the Westerner in Red Deer. Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- October 28 – Halloween was celebrated at DCS. K-3 had a costume parade and a carnival was held in the Small Gym. At lunch a costume contest took place in the Library and High School leadership ran activities for the High School students in the afternoon. Subway Hot Lunch.
- Thrift Thursday started up in the YES room, where High School students can come in and pick up free gently used clothing, new hygiene products and boxed or canned food.
- Debi’s Canteen re-opened, selling snacks on Monday-Thursday at noon for grades 7-12.
- November 1 – Travel meeting with EA Tours rep to discuss trip to Montreal/Quebec in April 2023. Open to grade 10-12 students, staff and parents.
- November 4 – Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- November 7 – Monthly Assembly in Large Gym.
- November 9 – Photo Retake Day. Remembrance Day Assembly was held in the Large gym at 11:00am, with local Legion Members and guests in attendance.
- November 10-11 – Fall Break
- November 17 – PAC Meeting was at 6:00pm in the Library.
- November 18 – Subway Hot Lunch.
- November 21 – Basketball season began with about 55 athletes signed up in Grade 7-12 (4 teams), plus a grade 5/6 program (2 teams) starting in the New Year.
- November 21 – 24 – Scholastic Book Fair in the Learning Commons.
- November 24 – Parent/Teacher Interviews were held after school. ACDCS (Alpine Club) went wall climbing in Red Deer for the afternoon.
- November 28-December 2 – Grade 1 & 2 traveled to Three Hills Aquatic Centre for swimming lessons.
- November 29 – Middle School Leadership students organized fun activities for students after lunch, including what became a very competitive but fun, game of Christmas Trivia in the Learning Commons.
- Classroom Door Decorating Contest began. Grade 3 door won!
- December 2 – Grade 7-12 were involved in a vaping and tobacco safety presentation entitled “An Influential Generation: Creating Conversation about Vaping”. Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- December 5 – K-12 Monthly Assembly was held in the Large Gym.
- December 6 & 8 - ACDCS (Alpine Club) went into Red Deer to do some wall climbing.
- December 7– Lost Treasures Sale was held in the Large Gym. Students were able to come in (class by class) to the gym and do some Christmas shopping for family and friends. Donated items were either $1 or $2. Wrapping stations were available in the Commons Area so students could go home with wrapped gifts.
- December 12 – Vaping and Tobacco Safety presentation with grades 7-12.
- December 14 – Christmas Concert rehearsal was held at 1:30pm.
- December 15 – The Grade K-6 Christmas Concert was held in the Small Gym at 7:00pm. Donations were gathered for the Delburne Food Bank. PAC also organized a very successful Silent Auction fundraiser.
- December 16 – High School students were involved in a MADD presentation. Subway Hot Lunch.
- December 19 – Christmas Spirit Day. Staff and students dressed in anything that showed Christmas spirit.
- December 20 – Reindeer day – Leadership group delivered a special treat to all the students.
- December 21 – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.
- December 22 – Candy Cane Day – Leadership students handed out candy canes to all he students.
- December 23 - PJ Day - staff and students were encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school. Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- December 26-January 6 – Christmas Break.
- January 9– Back to school after Christmas Break. Brett Gardner Mental Health & Wellness presentation in the Learning Commons.
- January 11 – Grade 8 held their annual Renaissance Fair. Students dressed up in medieval costumes, enjoyed a feast at lunch and had displays in the Learning Commons.
- January 13 - Subway Hot Lunch.
- January 16 – Cilantro & Chive restaurant in Red Deer delivered Marshmallow Popcorn Ice Cream Sandwiches as a fundraiser for the school. Grade 5/6 Basketball started, with practices during the school day.
- January 19 – PAC meeting, 3:15pm in the Learning Commons. Babysitting service was provided.
- January 20 – Last day of Semester 1 classes for grades 9-12. Exams also started this week. Boston Pizza/Pasta Hot Lunch.
- January 23-27 – Grade 3 & 4’s went to Three Hills Aquatic Centre for swimming lessons.
- January 24 & 25 – Grad Photos.
- January 27 – Report Cards went out. Subway Hot Lunch. Grade 7 & 8’s went on a Field Trip to Collicutt Centre, Red Deer.
- January 30 – Semester Break (school organizational day for staff). No school for students.
- January 31 – Semester 2 begins.
- February 1 – First day of Semester 2. Grade 5 & 6 started their 5 days of swimming lessons at Three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- February 1-March 15 – Hockey Skills Program ran at the arena for grades K-6. Students brushed up on their hockey skills, taught by volunteer staff and high school students from 7:00-8:00am followed by a breakfast before school.
- February 2 & 9 – Two-part Suicide Prevention presentation for grades 9-12.
- February 3 – Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza/Pasta.
- February 6 – Healthy Dating Relationships presentation for grades 7-12.
- February 14 – Crush pop and roses that were pre-ordered, were delivered to students.
- February 15 – Grade 10-12 students had an RCMP Recruitment Presentation. Students were provided with information and a strong understanding of what is involved in becoming an RCMP member.
- February 16 – PAC Meeting at 3:30pm in the Library.
- February 17 – Hot Lunch - Subway. Grades 4-6 had a Fun Swim at Three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- February 20-24 – Winter Break
- February 23 & 24 – Teachers’ Convention.
- February 27 – Second session presentation with Brett Gardiner.
- February 27-March 2 – JR/SR Curling Bonspiel took place, with a different theme for costumes each day. Final day wrapped up with a pizza dinner and prizes.
- February 28 – Pink Shirts Day in support of anti-bullying. iRespect Myself presentation for grades 4-6.
MARCH 2023
- March 7 – Our school hosted the Educational Liaison Association of Alberta (ELLA). This event allowed students the opportunity to connect with post-secondary institutions from around Alberta. Sixteen representatives from colleges, universities and technical institutes were present in the large gym.
- March 8 – March Madness began with PJ Day. Badminton season began with a Senior High Team as well as Grade 7-9 Team.
- March 13 –Monthly Assembly was held at 1:00pm in the Large Gym. Grade 5/6 Badminton Club started practicing at lunch
- March 14 – Grades 6-8 went to Nakiska Ski Resort for the day, while the grade 9’s went snowshoeing at Chester Lake in Kananaskis.
- March 15 – March Madness Western Day.
- March 16 – Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting was held at 6:00pm in the school Library.
- March 22 – March Madness School Spirit Day.
- March 23 – Parent/Teacher Conferences were held from 3:30-6:00pm. Meetings were held in person or by phone.
- March 27-31 – Grades 6-12 went to Curling Rink during their Phys Ed class, to curl all week.
- March 29 – March Madness Beach Day. Leadership students went on a Field Trip to the Red Deer Food Bank to help sort and Ronald McDonald House to make a meal for the families staying at the house (“Home for Dinner” program).
- March 30 – Literacy Presentation sponsored by PAC. Focus of the evening was on supporting beginning and struggling readers at home.
- March 31 – April 16 – Grad 2023 Online Silent Auction Fundraiser took place, with 32 items. Brett Gardiner Presentation for grades 7-12.
APRIL 2023
- Badminton season began with a JH & SH team and a 5/6 skills program at noon.
- April 2 & 3 – High School overnight ski trip to Lake Louise.
- April 5 – Easter Bunny made an appearance at DCS!
- April 6 – June 15 – Ice cream treats where sold every Thursday at Debi’s Kitchen, bus evacuation practices.
- April 20 – PAC Meeting was held at 6:00pm in the Library.
- April 11-14 – Spring Break, High School trip to Montreal, Quebec City.
- April 19 – High School students went on a Post Secondary trip to Mount Royal University and SAIT in Calgary, 5/6 badminton players went to Trochu for a fun tournament.
- April 20 – Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting was held at 6:00pm.
- April 21 – SH Badminton Tournament in Red Deer.
- April 24 – Brett Gardiner presentation continued with Grade 7-12 students and also talked to Grade 4-6 students.
- April 25 – Constable Marlow came to our school for a Grade 4-6 Internet Safety Presentation, Career Connections were hereto present Off Campus learning to our HS students.
- April 26 & 27 – Kim Smyth came to our school for an “introduction to Lacrosse” presentation in Phys Ed classes.
- April 27 – ACDCS student went rock climbing in Red Deer.
- April 29 – JH Badminton team went to the CENNA tournament in Sylvan Lake.
MAY 2023
- May 1 – Mental Health Week, students participated in “Let’s Chalk About It”, leaving positive messages throughout the village, JH and SH Track & Field teams began practices this week.
- May 3 – Hats on for Mental Health day. Staff & students were encouraged to wear hats.
- May 4 – Grade 8-12 Climbing Field Trip to Red Deer.
- May 8 – Golf Program began in two groups, grade 7-9 and grades 10-12, Parent Information Night was held for the school trip to New York City & Washington D.C., spring of 2024 for students in grades 10-12.
- May 12 – School Yard and Village Clean Up took place involving our students, ACDCS climbing trip to Red Deer for grades 8-12.
- May 25 -
- May 16 – Soap box Derby Sponsor Night was held in the Small Gym at 6:30pm.
- May 23 – SH Track & Field Areas meet was held in Red Deer.
- May 24 – SH Track & Field Zones were held.
- May 25– Grad Cap & Gown March down the halls to the Small Gym for a short ceremony at 1:30pm.
- May 26 – Class of 2022 Grad Day. Banquet at 5:00pm at the Community Hall and Ceremony to follow at 7:30pm.
- May 30 – Grades 9-11 had a Dual Credit presentation. Students were offered various dual credit opportunities through Olds College, Grade 8 students from Elnora School came for a “Transition Meeting” in the morning, to get familiar with our school as they join us for High School.
- May 31 – Last Assembly of the year. Soap Box Derby was held starting at 12:30 on 23 Avenue, South, “Welcome to Kindergarten Night” was held for our new students entering DCS in the Fall.
JUNE 2023
- June 1 – Final PAC meeting of the year was held at 10:30am.
- June 2 – CENAA Track & Field meet was held for JH in Red Deer.
- June 6 – 6th Annual Ghost Ryders Competition was held at the Delburne Skatepark.
- June 9 – Food Truck Friday. During second semester, grade 7 students planned and prepared for the annual Food Truck sales at lunch. Final session of the Mental Health Series for students with speaker Brett Gardiner.
- June 13 – ACDCS Mountain Bike trip to Canmore for grades 8-12, JH Track & Field meet in Stettler.
- June 14 – K-3 went to Calgary Zoo for year-end Field Trip, Bannock workshop was held after school in the Home Ec room for staff and students.
- June 16 – “Fun in the Sun” Field Day for grades K-6.
- June 19 – “An Evening of Excellence” was held in the Small Gym at 6:30pm. This is a night to recognize our grade 6-8 achievements for the year.
- June 20 – Last day of classes for grades 7-12. Exam season begins!
- June 21 – Grades 6 went on a Field Trip to Des Crossley Demo Forest for the day, K-5 enjoyed sessions with Little Light Yoga and Drumming, as we acknowledged Indigenous Peoples Day.
- June 23 – Grade 4-5 year end Field Trip to Carnival Theatres and Collicutt Centre, grade 7-8 year end Field Trip to Callaway Park, Calgary.
- June 27 – Last day for students. Early dismissal at noon.
- June 28 – Organizational Day. Last day for staff.
- June 28-30 – Grade 12 camping trip to Kananaskis.
What’s Happening at DCS 2021/2022
- September 1 - First day of classes for students. Masks were mandatory for all staff and students in grades 4-12. Welcome assemblies were held for the different teams within the school.
- Volleyball season started in September with three girls’ teams formed. Our Cross Country Running Club also began at lunch.
- September 10 – Middle School had a great field trip to the Calgary Zoo.
- September 15 – First Trojan Tribune newsletter published (school newspaper is published once a month).
- September 16 – The grade 5 class went to our local pond to study the wetlands.
- September 17 – PE 10/20/30 went on a lovely hiking trip to Coliseum Mountain in Nordegg.
- September 23 – PAC (Parent Advisory Council) held their first meeting of the year through Google Meet.
- September 29 – Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students are asked to wear orange shirts on this day. Orange Shirt Day provides the opportunity to discuss all aspects of residential schools and to help continue the work of reconciliation.
- September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. All Chinook’s Edge schools were closed in honour of this day.
- October 1 – Terry Fox run was held at DCS with $920.95 raised in donations. Classes went out separately (sticking with their cohorts) for a walk/run around the Village. Water and snack stations were set up along the route. High School Awards were held at 7:00pm in the large gym, with COVID protocols in place.
- October 4 – School Picture Day was held in the small gym.
- October 7 – Grade 7-9 Cross Country team travelled to Innisfail for a run.
- October 13 – First DCS (Dedication, Citizenship & Spirit) Celebrates virtual assembly was held. Students who are recognized receive a certificate and have their names entered into a draw for a gift certificate from a local business. September sponsor was Mrs. Lisa McCaw. It was also DCS Pride Day. Staff and students were encouraged to wear school gear and/or school colours.
- October 15 – Grades 3-5took a field trip to Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller. Grades 6-8 took a field trip to Painted Warriors Ranch near Sundre.
- October 18 – First official day for our new School Board Trustee, De Anne Hutchison. Congratulations to Colleen Butler who retired after many dedicated years to our school.
- October 21– Parent/Teacher Conferences were held after school via telephone.
- October 28 – PAC (Parent Advisory Council) held their meeting through Google Meet, 6:30pm.
- October 29 – PAC organized the first Hot Lunch of the school year – Boston Pizza or Pasta. We also had a day full of Halloween activities, including the Annual Costume Contest in the Small gym. Middle School Leadership students ran a Halloween carnival for the students.
- Fundraiser for Christmas began with Purdy’s Chocolates (almost $5000 was raised for helping to subsidize field trips). Ongoing Fundscrip Gift Cards available all year long.
- November 2 – Grades 1-2 went swimming at Three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- November 3 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly was held at 1:00pm, sponsored by Delburne Service Center and an anonymous donor.
- November 5 – Farm Safety Presentations to the grades 1-2.
- November 10 – Remembrance Day Virtual Ceremony was held at 11:00am. Students remained in their classroom and participated in a solemn recognition of the sacrifices made for our country. Parents and community members were welcome to follow along using a Google Meet link.
- November 11-12 – Fall Break
- November 16 – 19 – In-person Scholastic Book Fair.
- November 19 – Hot Lunch Program was Subway today.
- November 24 – Kindergarten students went swimming at three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- November 22 – Basketball season began with 2 teams, Senior Girls and Junior High Boys.
- November 25 – PAC Meeting was held in person! This was the Annual General Meeting where Executive positions were filled.
- November 29 – Grade 10’s took part in a Blanket Exercise in the Library.
- December 1 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly was held at 9:30am (MS/HS) and 10:00am (Elementary), sponsored by Barb Marian. Christmas activities for the Month of December began today, with our principal handing out Reindeer Poop (Hershey Kisses)! Door decorating officially began for the season.
- December 1-15 – DCS held to campaigns, collecting Mittens for the Mustard Seed and items for the local Food Bank.
- December 2 – Reindeer games were held at lunch for grades 1-5.
- December 3 – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.
- December 6 – Candy canes were handed out to all students. PAC provided hot beverages and treats for the staff, continuing throughout the week.
- December 7 – Christmas Karaoke at lunch in the Library for grades 6-12.
- December 8 – Holiday Trivia quiz game at lunch for grades 9-12.
- December 9 – Lost Treasures Sale was held in the Large Gym. Students were able to come in (class by class) to the gym and do some Christmas shopping for family and friends. Donated items were either $1 or $2. Wrapping stations were available in the Commons Area so students could go home with wrapped gifts.
- December 13 – Pictures with Santa ($2/photo) was held in the Commons Area. Elf on a Shelf…Buddy was spotted around the school all day as well as a visit from the Grinch.
- December 14 – Reindeer Games were held in the gyms for grades 1-5.
- December 15 – Students were skating throughout the day at the local arena.
- December 16 – Grade 8’s held a Renaissance Fair in the Library. Students dressed up, held games for students and ended with a feast for the class. Door Decorating judging took place at lunch. There were many amazing classroom doors decorated throughout the school.
- December 17 – PJ & Movie day… staff and students were encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school. Christmas movies were shown in the Small Gym.
- December 20-January 10 – Christmas Break. This year break was extended one week due to COVID.
- January 3-7– Students had an extra week of Christmas Holidays province wide, while staff prepared for in-person classes starting January 10.
- Alberta government cancelled January 2022 diploma exams across the province.
- Rapid tests were sent to schools, one kit per student to take home to use at their discretion.
- January 10 – All students were back to in school learning!
- January 20 – Phys Ed 10/20/30 went skiing for the afternoon at Canyon Ski Resort, Red Deer.
- January 21 – Last day of classes for grades 9-12.
- January 24 – Astrodome was brought to the school by Astronomer 4 Hirer. A huge dome was set up in the small gym for classes to study the stars projected on the ceiling inside the dome.
- January 25 – New online ordering for Hot Dog and Hot Lunches was launched.
- January 25 & 26 – Grad Photos.
- January 26 – Hot Dog Day began again!
- January 27 – Virtual PAC meeting at 6:30pm.
- January 31 – Semester Break (school organizational day for staff). No school for students.
- February 1 – First day of Semester 2. Grade 3 & 5 started their 6 days of swimming lessons at Three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- February 2 – DCS Celebrates virtually, sponsored by Barb Marian.
- February 4 – Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza or pasta.
- February 9 & 18 – Hockey Skills Program was held at the Delburne Arena for grades K-2, 7:15am.
- February 9 - Hot Dog Day, $1.75 each. Swimming lessons began for grades 4 & 6. RCMP Guest Speaker in the Library for grades 6-9.
- February 11 – Collaboration Day (no school for students).
- February 14 – High School Leadership students handed out roses that were pre-sold for $2.50.
- February 16 – Pink Shirt Day in support of being kind to each other. Hot Dog Day.
- February 18 – Hot Lunch - Pancakes & Fruit.
- February 21-25 – Winter Break
- February 24 & 25 – Teachers’ Convention was held with virtual sessions this year.
- February 28 – Student’s returned to a Mask Fee school (for students)!
MARCH 2022
- March 1 – Staff were allowed to be mask-free!
- March 2 – March Madness began with Colour Day. Each educational team chose a colour to wear that day. Hockey Skills began for grades 3-5. DCS Celebrates Assembly was held, sponsored by Kevin Radcliffe.
- March 3 –Our first Black Balloon Day was held, starting with a free Taco-in-a-bag lunch for high school students followed by a guest speaker talking about drugs and addiction, with a question period after. Grade 6-8 went skiing for the afternoon at Canyon Ski Resort in Red Deer. In-person PAC meeting at 6:30pm!
- March 7-11 – Ice Sports Week began, with Phys Ed classes being held at the arena.
- March 9 – March Madness PJ Day. Grade 4 & 5 went on a Field Trip to Canyon Ski Resort for the afternoon.
- March 10 – Grades 6-8 went to Nakiska Ski Resort for the day, while the grade 9’s went snowshoeing at Chester Lake in Kananaskis.
- March 14 – Badminton season started with a Junior and Senior team. Debi’s Canteen opened at the school run by Mrs. Smith’s class. A variety of snacks and beverages were sold Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at lunch along with daily specials.
- March 16 – March Madness Backwards Day.
- March 18 – The Grad 2022 class organized and hosted an Alumni Hockey Game at the Delburne Arena. There was a concession, 50/50 draw and Puck Toss to raise money for the graduation night. Grade 12 students also sold beef jerky in March to raise money for Grad.
- March 23 – March Madness Western Day
- March 24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences were held from 3:30-6:00pm. Meetings were held via the phone.
- March 30 – March Madness Beach Day.
- March – during the month of March intramurals started up again at lunch, including badminton and floor hockey tournaments.
APRIL 2022
- April 1 – Hot Lunch was Subway sandwiches.
- April 3 & 4 – HS ski trip to Lake Louise. We were able to do our overnight ski trip this year after 2 years on hold, due to COVID!
- April 6 – DCS Celebrates Assembly was held with parents allowed to watch in-person! The month of March was sponsored by Shamroc Concrete.
- April 7 – PAC Meeting was held in the Library.
- April 12 – Easter Photo Booth was set up in the Library for student to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.
- April 14 – Easter Egg Hunt was organized by our leadership students, for grades 1-5.
- April 18-22 – Spring Break
- April 26 – Soap Box Parent Night, when parents come in to help their child build their soap box for the big derby in June.
- April 28 – SH badminton team participated in Zones in Red Deer.
- April 29 – Grade 8 field trip to Red Deer Polytech in the morning and soap box supply shopping in the afternoon.
MAY 2022
- Hot Lunch in May was Hot Dogs every Wednesday.
- Grade 4-6 Track & Field Club was started at noon by two eager High School students!
- May 4 – Hats on for Mental Health day. Staff & students were encouraged to wear hats. DCS Celebrates Assembly was held today, sponsored by Kevin Radcliffe. Staff Vs Grade 12 volleyball game at lunch…staff won!
- May 5 – PAC meeting was held at 6:30pm in the Library.
- May 12 – High School Field Trip to Olds College. Golf Academy began for grades 4 & 5. Family Game Night was held at the school, with free pizza and a lot of fun!
- May 13 – Grad 2’s went swimming at Three Hills Aquatic Centre.
- May 17 – HS Track and Field Meet in Stettler.
- May 19 – Food Truck Day…grade 7 students have been working all semester for this day, to sell food out of their custom designed “trucks”.
- May 25 – Village Wide Clean-up. Teachers took their classes around the school grounds and village for spring clean-up. HS Track & Field Zones in Camrose.
- May 26 – Grad Cap & Gown March down the halls to the Small Gym for a short ceremony.
- May 27 – Class of 2022 Grad Day…Parade at 3:00pm, Banquet at 5:00 at the Community Hall and Ceremony to follow at 7:30pm.
- May 31 - Sponsor Night for the Soap Box Derby. This event was held outside at the Main Street Park Pavilion. The soap boxes were on display for sponsors to meet the teams and see all the decorated soap boxes.
JUNE 2022
- Throughout June many classes took advantage of Field Trips to the Three Hills Aquatic Centre and Delburne’s Spray park.
- June 1 – DCS Celebrates Assembly, sponsored by Shamroc Concrete Services LTD. In the afternoon the Grade 3-5 Talent Show was held on the stage at the Skatepark.
- June 2 – Soap Box Derby Day. Grade 8’s raced their soap boxes on 23 Avenue S.
- June 6 – Grade 7-9 Track & Field Meet was held in Stettler.
- June 8 – Grade 9 Orientation was held. Students in grade 8 from Elnora School came to see where they would be attending school for grade 9. Welcome to Kindergarten Evening was held in the Library with activity centers set up, and a goody bag handed out full of school supplies.
- June 9 – PAC Meeting was held at 6:30pm in the Library.
- June 10 – Ghost Ryders Skatepark Competition was held at the Delburne Skatepark with 50 competitors from 9 schools and 5 School Divisions! K-2 Year-end Field Trip was to Galaxy Cinemas in Red Deer.
- June 13 – Grade 3 went on a Field Trip to Atlas Coal Mines in East Coulee. Field Day was held for grades K-6 in the afternoon.
- June 14 – Middle School Awards Night was held in the Small Gym starting at 6:30pm. Grade 8 Field Trip to WEM Galaxyland.
- June 15 – The DCS Athletic Celebration was held in the Large Gym at 8:45pm. All sports teams/athletes were honoured and the Male and Female Athlete of the Year was announced.
- June 16 – Grades 6-8 went on a Field trip to Des Crossley Demo Forest for he day.
- June 24 – Delburne Servus Credit Union Charity Golf Tournament was held at Fawn Meadows Golf Resort. The charity it supported this year was DCS PAC.
- June 21 – Last day of regular classes for grades 6-12. Diploma exams, finals and PAT’s were written this week. Mentorship Program held a year end Grilled Cheese Luncheon for those involved in the program. Grade 4’s finished off their Golf Academy Program golfing in the afternoon at Fawn Meadows. Middle School went to Carnival Cinemas and Virtual Reality for their year-end Field Trip.
- June 22 – Grade 5’s finished off their Golf Academy program golfing in the afternoon at Fawn Meadows.
- June 23 – Grade 4/5 held their Science Fair in the Library. Last day for the 6 week Puppy Yoga Classes.
- June 24 – Grades 4/5 went bowling at Heritage Lanes and Galaxy Theatres in Red Deer for their year-end Field Trip.
- June 27 – Grades 3-5 had a year-end BBQ at the Ball Diamonds.
- June 28 – Last day for students. Early dismissal at noon.
- June 29 – Organizational Day. Last day for staff.
Last Year's Happenings 2020-2021
- September 1 - First day of school for the 2020-2021 year. DCS began the year with a staggered start. Students with the surname beginning with A-K returned to school on September 1, 3, & 8. Masks were mandatory for all staff and students in grades 4-12.
- September 2 – Students with surnames starting with L-Z returned to school September 2, 4 & 9.
- September 10 – All students returned to school.
- September 15 – School Picture Day!
- September 16 – First Trojan Tribune newsletter published (school newspaper is published once a month).
- September 21 – Volleyball Academy skills development program began, including grade 6 this year! No competitions with other schools was permitted.
- September 29 – PAC (Parent Advisory Council) held their first meeting of the year through Google Meet.
- September 30 – Orange Shirt Day. Terry Fox Run was held today. Classes went out separately (sticking with their cohorts) for a walk/run around the Village.
- October 2 – HS Awards Night was held in the Small Gym at 7:00pm. The Awards Night was broadcast live on Facebook.
- October 3 – Grad 2020 Commencement Exercises were held in the Small Gym at 5:00pm. Guests were seated at tables to watch the Grand March into the gym, Toasts, Speeches, Presentations and Grad Walk Off. No dinner or dance were held this year. Grad 2020 was broadcast live on Facebook.
- October 8 – School picture retakes, DCS Celebrates (monthly celebration of students nominated by teachers for being dedicated, showing school spirit and/or citizenship). This year, instead of an assembly, our principal traveled from class to class to deliver the awards. The event, sponsored by Delburne Service Center, was broadcast live on our school Facebook page! Terry Fox Ice Cream Treats were delivered to classrooms who collected at least $2 per child.
- October 22 – Parent/Teacher Conferences were held by telephone or Google Meet.
- October 29 – Annual General PAC meeting was held at the school (Learning Commons) and through Google Meet, 6:30pm.
- October 30 – We were all excited to have our first “Hot Lunch Program” meal delivered (PAC volunteers) to the students from Subway. Halloween celebrations were held - students encouraged to wear costumes for the day. Costume parades and contests were held, keeping with COVID guidelines. Costume contest was broadcast on our Facebook page as no spectators were allowed to watch this year.
- November 4 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly was held at 8:45am, sponsored by Old Bank Bakery.
- November 10 – Remembrance Day Virtual Ceremony was held at 11:00am through Google Meet this year. Students remained in their classroom and participated in a solemn recognition of the sacrifices made for our country. Parents and community members were welcome to follow along using a Google Meet link.
- November 11-15 – Fall Break
- November 23 – December 6 – Virtual Scholastic Book Fair
- November 26 – Hot Lunch Program was Pizza or Spaghetti from Boston Pizza. Virtual PAC Meeting was held at 6:30pm.
- November 30 – January 8 – Grade 7-12 students began at home learning (Google Classroom) after Alberta Government announced new public health measures on November 24th. Grades K-6 continued in school learning until December 18th.
- December 1 – Christmas Door Decorating officially began at DCS, to welcome the holiday season.
- December 10 – Festive Headgear Day. Staff and students wore Santa hats, antlers…
- December 17 – Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.
- December 20 – Christmas activities were held throughout the day and staff and students were encouraged to wear pyjamas.
- December 21-January 1 – Christmas Break.
- January 4-8 – All students participated in at home learning for this week.
- January 11 – All students were back to in school learning!
- January 21 – 27 – Exam week for grades 10-12.
- January 28 – Virtual PAC meeting at 6:30pm.
- January 31 – Semester Break (school organizational day for staff). No school for students.
- February 1 – First day of Semester 2.
- February 4 – DCS Celebrates virtually, sponsored by Servus Credit Union
- February 5 – Collaboration Day (no school for students).
- February 8-10 – High School Leadership students sold Valentine Candy Grams for $2.00, to be delivered on February 12.
- February 10, 11 – Grad Photos sessions were held in The Lab.
- February 12 – Hot Lunch was Boston Pizza or Spaghetti. Valentine COVID safe activities were held in classrooms.
- February 15-19 – Winter Break
- February 18, 19 – Teachers’ Convention was held with virtual sessions this year.
- February 22 – Ice Sports Week 1 began, with Phys Ed classes being held at the arena. Skating was held indoors with broom ball outside on the outdoor rink. Hockey Skills 4-week afterschool program began. Program held M/W/F with only cohort groups on ice each day.
- February 24 – Pink Shirt Day. Students and staff were encouraged to wear a pink shirt to support being kind to each other.
- February 26 – Grade 5 Volleyball Skills program began, running every Friday until the end of April from 3:15-4:15pm.
MARCH 2021
- March 4 – first day of March Madness – staff and students dressed up for 100 Day (what they thought they would look like in 100 years). DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly sponsored by Barb Marian.
- March 10 – March Madness – staff and students dressed up for PJ Day (wear pyjamas to work).
- March 16 (2020) – one year ago today, Government of Alberta closed all K-12 schools until further notice due to COVID-19. Grad Photos were taken at the school.
- March 17 – March Madness – St. Patrick’s Day - staff and students wore green. Grad photos were taken at school.
- March 18 – Parent/Teacher Conferences were held afterschool. Conferences were held over the phone due to COVID-19.
- March 22 – Ice Sports Week 2 began, with Phys Ed classes being held at the arena.
- March 25 – March Madness – staff and students dressed up for Tight/Bright/Beach Day. PAC meeting was held virtually at 6:30pm.
APRIL 2021
- April 1 – Hot Lunch was brought in from Cobblestone Court Restaurant in Delburne. Easter Egg Hunt was held for students, organized by the High School Leadership team.
- April 7 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly, sponsored by the Carratt Family.
- April 19-25 – Spring Break
- April 30 – Students and teachers took part in a Community/School Yard Clean Up in the afternoon.
MAY 2021
- May 3 – Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Students made cards for their bus drivers.
- May 4 – Grade 3 class went swimming at the Three Hills Aquatic Centre
- May 5 – Students and staff wore hats to support Hats on for Mental Health. Grade 4 class went swimming at the Three Hills Aquatic Centre
- May 6 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly sponsored by Delburne Service Center. Grade 5 class went swimming at the Three Hills Aquatic Centre. PAC meeting was held virtually at 6:30pm.
- May 10-20 – School went to “at home” learning.
- May 10 – Golfing with Gib (Golf Canada learn to Golf Program) started grades 4-6. Mr. Gib Andruski and Mr. Jeff Anderson ran the program which ended up playing a few holes at Fawn Meadows.
- May 27 - PAC meeting was held virtually at 6:30pm.
- May 28 – Spirit Day…staff and students wore their favourite team jersey.
JUNE 2021
- Throughout June many classes took advantage of Field Trips to the Three Hills Aquatic Centre and Delburne’s Spray park.
- June 2 – Welcome to Kindergarten Night was done virtually this year. New students met the teacher and did a few planned activities virtually.
- June 9 – DCS Celebrates Virtual Assembly took place sponsored by the Carratt Family. Sponsor Night for the Soap Box Derby. This event was held outside. The soap boxes were spread out along the sidewalk and sponsors did a drive-by to see all the decorated soap boxes and their teams.
- June 10 – Soap Box Derby Day. Grade 9’s raced their soap boxes they made last year (soap box cancelled in 2020 due to COVID). In the afternoon grade 8’s raced their soap boxes. This event was filmed on facebook.
- June 11 – Grade 5 Track & Field Academy began afterschool. Held Fridays until the end of the school year.
- June 14-15 – Youth Empowerment Equine Program was held at the Delburne Arena for grade 4-6.
- June 15 – Field Day for grades 3-5 in the afternoon. HS Leadership students organized this event.
- June 17 – Field Day for grades K-2 in the afternoon. HS Leadership students organized this event. PAC meeting was held virtually at 6:30pm.
- June 18 – Food Truck Friday. Grade 7’s worked on this project over the spring, learning how to run a Food Truck. Six flat plywood trucks were set up in the large gym, offering a wide variety of foods during lunch. Grade 3-5 students held a Talent Show outdoors.
- June 21 – As part of the Food Truck CTS program, grade 7’s invited a real food truck from Red Deer (Taco monster) to come to our school and serve the staff and students. Grade 7’s were able to observe how their business was run. Last Day of classes for grades 6-12. Middle School Awards were held outdoors at the ball diamond. Grade 6-8 students and their teachers were in attendance. Yearend final exams started for grades 6-12.
- June 25 – Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2021. Graduation was held, starting at 4:30pm, in the large gym with COVID protocols in place.
- June 29 – Last day for students. Early dismissal at noon. K-4 and MS Final Report Cards.
- June 30 – Organizational Day. Last day for staff.